Hero Siege Wiki

Welcome to the Town of Inoya! Here you can complete quests, select your desired difficulty level, enter acts, sell equipment, enter Wormholes and much more. When you use your town portal or die you will always return here. You will spend the majority of your time here so getting familiar with the place is to your benefit. Around town are destructible crates that can drop gold or keys.

NPCs in Town of Inoya[]

The NPCs in the Town of Inoya have unique functions. Each one does a specific action that will help the player a long their journey.

  • Torstein Néel: Sell him your collected equipment, craft various things, remove gems from equipment sockets, and resets your collected Relics to none.
  • Magister Kujala: Purchase Mystery Chests for 900 crystals.
  • Um: Giving him a full set of Prime Evil Artifacts will teleport you to Fallen Inoya where you can fight Uber Damien.
  • Gar Nor: Allows you to test your damage per second on nearby training dummies and lock your experience gain.
  • Dr. Tinker Dink: Opens a Wormhole if you bring him Wormhole Keys.
  • Sarcaster: Get an achievement for doing his quest line and joining Sarcaster's Coffee Club. After he does nothing useful.
  • Landlord Kukkonen: Mayor of Inoya. Outside of quests does nothing useful.
  • Yogvan Beerdrinka: Allows you to unlock mining.


Landlord Kukkonen
NPCs in the Town of Inoya will some times have quests for you. Having a yellow exclamation point above their head indicates they have a quest for you. Speak to them to receive the quest. Each quest will have it's own objectives. Hover over the quest in the quest log with your mouse to get hints as to what you need to do. Complete the quest and speak to them again to receive golditems or a Relic as well as experience.



In the center of town is your stash. This is where you can store unused equipment to be used later or on other characters. All characters on the account share the same stash. The stash has a limited storage of 100 items. This includes all items in the stash and not 100 slots per tab. Your stash can be upgraded to have 200 slots with the additional stash slots DLC. Multiplayer and single player do not share a stash. They are independent of one another.



Speak to Dr. Tinker Dink with a Wormhole key in your inventory to open a Wormhole. Characters must be level 100 to participate in Wormholes.

Training Dummy[]

Training Dummy
Speak to Gar Nor to begin testing your damage per second against the training dummy. After speaking to him he will count to five and then begin the test. Above the Training Dummy's head will be a counter starting from ten. When this reaches zero the test is over and it will display your damage per second above its head.

Act Selection[]

Inoya Waypoint

In the center of town is a waypoint where you can select which act and which zone you want to do. There are currently 7 acts in total.

Easter Eggs[]

Many Easter Eggs take place in Inoya. See Easter Eggs section for details.
